  • Totem Group

    Totem Group’s showroom facade has been envisioned to employ the very materials that are to be found in the exhibition and on sale. The facade becomes a vibrant alluring reason that acts as a good example of both the selling offer as well as the architectural design. Thought of as a permeable facade that allows visual introspection of the showroom, the architectural sollution also becomes the local landmark. Looking at vernacular examples and precedents of Lybian architecture, we managed to isolate architectural elements that proved to be valuable to the final design proposal. Arches, windows frames, a vertical architectural language and the rhythm found in the repetition of arches, ultimately gave us the tools to design a contemporary proposal which is anchored in traditional Lybian design. By observing these design variations and possibilities, the facade proposal involves the mashrabyia screens to permeate visual access as well as to reference the context historical background. The design thus becomes owned by its’ location. A mashrabiya is a type of projecting oriel window enclosed with carved wood latticework located on the second story of a building or higher, often lined with stained glass. The design proposal includes this architectural element to reference the projects’ context as well as to highlight its’ local presence turning the showroom into a landmark. This design element turns the facade into a completely permeable membrane. The upper details of the facade have been divided into 3 different registries that were suggested by the opaque area of the facade, by its proportion. The 3 different size opaque screens remind of the detailing found on the upper area of exterior walls. The different rhythms ultimately introduce the window frames below as well as showing the material potential of the products in the showroom. The vertical blades create a protective membrane that also allows visual introspection of the mashrabyia and the interior showroom.